Before I begin I want to say that I love discussing the different constitutions people can have. It's just amazing to me how much of the remedy fits people. You could not know anything about a person but if you're observant about a few characteristics, it gives away who they are and you will know everything about them...most times too much!
Also please note there is no good and bad constitutions. People are people and we all have good and bad to each of us. It's nice when we portray only the good characteristics of our constitution but the bad is somewhere in there. When it gets a call from your body, it surely comes out to play!
Ok ready?
Calc carb
We call them the "gentle giants." Animals who are just naturally calc carb in nature: English bulldogs, Saint Bernard dogs, bears, beluga whales, walruses, hippos just to name a few. We can look at those creatures and sum up they are laid-back, take life easy, enjoy food, REALLY enjoy food, everything is just alright.
Know anyone like that? Just down to earth, not picky. Cool people. All nice qualities so far. So what's their down fall? They are laid back alright but when out of balance can be too laid back and just want to lay down all the time. A couch potatoe we might say. They do not like anything that involves too much effort. When really out of balance you might hear a statement like this: I want to get a catheter inserted so I don't have to get up to go to the bathroom. Hahaha! When I heard that I laughed because only a calc carb could say something like that. They love to sleep. They love to "swim" as well. Why is swim in quotations you might ask? They love the water alright but swimming is exercise=effort=sweating...not in a calc carbs vocabulary. Their definition of swimming is floating in the water. Just laying there enjoying the water.
They will show effort in one main area: food. They LOVE to cook! No surprise they are not very interested in counting calories. They are more interested in savoring each bite!
Their home is their castle. They feel bast when they are home. Add family and a good meal, you just made them very happy campers.
Just a lil blurb of this oyster shell we know as calcarea carbonica