The last thing I want to do is leave you with an impression that calc carbs are just lazy and over-weight people. Certainly that is not what I want you to know. I want you to be able to see the beauty of every remedy picture and be able to understand them instead of mock or belittle them. surely we laugh when we read something's because it so closely reminds us of someone we know that fits the picture, but in the words of one of my moms professors, "have respect for the remedies!"
With that being said...a blurb on calc carb part 2
These people just radiate a sense of genuine innocence. It isn't any wonder they are called "gentle giant", "big mush", and "teddy bear"
They have a sense of loyalty and devotion to their family and friends. When you are privileged to be in their circle they will protect you with every way they know how. They are by no means violent but can definitely give off an intimidating impression by their sheer presence alone.
Amidst their size and husky appearance you will find a very fearful person. They have an immense fear of something bad happening and dread bodily pain/harm.
They are also hypochondriacs! They think they have every disease. WebMD is a website they visit often...daily! Just reading about an illness and they think they have it!
What jobs will you most likely find a calc carb? Bouncers...of course! Most of the time their size is the most threatening thing about them but we know they are a mush! A truck driver...what better way to make money-sit and drive pretty much all day long. This is certainly not a lycopodiums choice for a job...too routine for them! A chef of course! Cook And taste food and get win for a calc carb! food critic is another one they would love to do.
Calc carbs are VERY religious...not fanatic like a veratrum album but there is a genuine love and curiosity for God. Children especially will show a fascination for God and ask very interesting questions.
Just a few thought on calc carb...hope you enjoyed!
Any requests for another remedy?