So to fill you in on my little princess...
I have her Arsenicum 30c one dose to cover my bases because with an 11month old who can only babble at this point, it's pretty hard to know where everything is coming from. So to rule out food poisoning I immediately have her a dose of Ars and some swigs of pedialyte of course to replenish electrolytes lost. Half an hour later she took her normal nap for about an hour. when she woke up her fever as 100.5! So I knew I had to give a different remedy. I found Nux Vomica came up number one when I repertorized with the program. I can show you a copy of the rubrics I used. I gave her one dose 30c. Within 30 minutes, she wanted to eat her gluten free puff cereal and drink water! I gave her one more dose since then and her temperature is back to normal, no more vomiting! nice to have her back to her regular self!